Saturday, December 09, 2006

Wow, did a long ass endurance hike today to the ruins of Pisac. I found out after I had walked (sometimes crawled) for over 2 hours that there was an easy route (that you get to by taxi) and a difficult route. I took the difficult route. Holy smokes! My legs are killing me. Plus I didn´t bring enough water, so my mouth was like cotton by about 2/3s the way through the hike. I got back to Cuzco and got an hour massage for $15 including tip, and also a hair cut for $1.50. Tomorrow I´m going to try to go to the ruins of Olantaytambo. Hopefully they´re not as difficult to get to.

Anyways, here are some photos from the start to the finish of my trek to Pisac.

I didn´t see any guides, so I didn´t hire one, and, consequently, I don´t know much about these ruins.


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