Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Arrived in Cuzco (still in Peru and will be for the next 2-3 weeks) by air today (a one hour flight from Lima). I´m a little tired cos I switched from 500 feet above see level to 11,000 feet. The air is a little thin. The natives say to drink Mate de coca to alleviate the tiredness, headaches, and shortness of breath. So when in Rome...

Yep, them´s there are coca leaves of the variety that the illegal narcotic is made out of. Perfectly legal here in their natural form. It´s kind of a stimulant and a diuretic. I think it´s far weaker than caffeine.

Been eating a lot at vegetarian restaurants, cos I´m tired of greezy chicken and fries, and I´m afraid of the pork. Had some curried rice pilaf for lunch, and had a greek salad and some garlic/tomato pasta with a glass of carrot and orange juice. MMMMMMMMmmmmmmm.


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