Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Hey all,

I was feeling really good today so I decided to see alot and to climb a bit. First went to the Iglesia San Blas (devoted to St San Blas). San Blas is evidently a saint because he once pulled a fish bone out of a choking child´s mouth. I think I have an uncle who did that once. Maybe I´ll write a letter to the church. Sorry, no photo taking. It had the most ornately carved wooden altar that I have ever scene. Worth the price of admission.

Also went to the museum of the Archbishop. Again, no photos could be taken. Lots of cool art, Sevillian tilework, and woodwork.

Next, I made the trek up to the top of the the closest hill overlooking the city of Cuzco. I had to walk through the colonial neighborhood. Here are some photos of the hood.

Bottom Photo: In the lower lefthand corner note the the traditional Incan lady with the hat. Didn´t have to pay her cos I wasn´t focusing my camera on her. Incan ladies: 0 Phil: 5 Yee haw!


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