Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Just wanted everyone to know that I will be in the Galápagos starting Thursday morning, so I´ll probably be incommunicado for the following 5-7 days. I doubt the ship with have email access. If there is any access on the islands, I will try to make at least one posting. I spent a little extra on the trip to assure a first class time with no real worries. I should have some amazing pics to share when I get back.

I wish the weather were colder in MN, so I could rub in the fact that it gets up in the high 80´s everyday here. By the sound of it, you´re not really that far behind. No need to worry about global warming, though, the politicians and corporations will take care of us.


Blogger Christina said...

have a wonderful time in the islands! I definitely look forward to pic's and stories once you return to the main land. Happy Thanksgiving! =)

1:56 PM  

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