Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Still biding my time in Arequipa. I´m reading a novel by Mario Vargas Llosa (peruvian author) called La Tia Julia y el Escribidor. It takes place in Lima. Traveling to latin america adds a whole new dimension to the literature, cos now I have seen many of the places that the author refers to in his novel. I dig.

Tomorrow morning I leave for Colca Canyon and I´ll be back on Thursday, then I will leave for Puno, Peru on Friday morning. I´ll probably spend Christmas there.

The pic is of a contraption for heating water. Many places don´t have, or can´t afford hot water heaters. Therefore some people purchase this wonder of a contraption. It´s a water heater that hooks onto the shower head. The water starts out cold and after a couple of minutes heats up. I tried to adjust the heat level and received a nice shock while standing naked in an inch of water. The shock was strong, but the scare of being fried in the shower was worse. Yeah, I screamed like a little girl. We´ll see how tough you are if it ever happens to you.


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