Sunday, September 23, 2007

Indian Lake State Park

These photos
are taken

from Indian Lake Park

(just like we have taken everything from the Indians)

just outside of Madison.

This little tiny church

("little tiny" is rather redundant and in desparate need of a comma to separate the two concurrent adjectives)

was built a

time ago

by religious people

that felt

(and religious people generally do a lot of feeling)

that this park needed a church,

(even though the Indians seemed to think the place was perfectly fine as it was and in no need of said church)

so they built it,

and people like me


go to this park

(and parks are natural which disinguishes them from cities which are

of course


and take pictures

(pictures that we can save on computers, and keep in the event that we lose the memories that are so inefficiently stored in our minds)
of the park
and the church that is in the park.
I may be part Indian
(At least)
I hope I am


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