Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Foggy ride back from Austin

The thickest daytime fog I'd ever seen accompanied me on my trip back through Iowa. But I still can't drive 55.


I made it to Austin. Here are some photos of the Capitol, just to prove it. As a bonus I have added a photo of a portrait of your favorite president and mine, GW Bush, former Governor of Texas. It is proudly hanging in the first floor of the Capitol.

Dallas, and a dead bug on my windshield!

My trip almost ended here, as traffic came to a stop, and some jerkoff almost rearended me going about 90 miles per hour. He switched to a different lane just in time, but made sure to flip me off as he passed by.

New Trip

I drove to Austin, Texas for a job interview, 1265 miles, 19 hours in two days. It was pretty rough going through Iowa as Highway 80 had been closed the night before due to heavy snow and an accident involving a few semis.