Friday, August 31, 2007

I think these are photos of Harrington Beach State Park along Lake Michigan. If not, then they are from various parks along the Wisconsin coast of Lake Michigan.

Haggerty Museum

Here are some scenes from the Haggerty Museum on the campus of Marquette University in downtown Milwaukee.


Lakefront Brewery

Did a tour of the Lakefront Brewery in Milwaukee. I read on that it was a better time than the Miller brewery tour. For $5 you get a 30 minute tour, a couple bottles of beer, and a commemorative pint glass.

Milwaukee Art Museum

Here are some of my favorite works from inside the MAM.

So I went to Milwaukee and Door County Wisconsin over the past 5 days. What a great time! Here are some photos of the Milwaukee Art Museum.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Trees are People Too

A tree in our neighborhood.

Remember "Trees are people too."

Bratwust on Chipped Plate

I call this photo "Bratwurst on chipped plate." Prints will be for sale soon at your friendly neighborhood Walmart.

Devil's Lake State Park

The following pics are from Devil's Lake State Park close to Madison.

Them's birds is turkey vultures.