Saturday, March 31, 2007

Right off the coast of Salvador is an island called Morro de Sao Paulo. It's beautiful. Just make plans right now to go there once in your lifetime.

Here is the building in which they used to trade slaves in. Brazil was the last country to outlaw slavery in 1888. Also posted is the holding area below the building where they used to hold slaves until they were traded.

Okay, here are photos of Salvador do Bahia. I am staying in the historic center of the city. Salvador was a major slave trading port, and the African influence here is still prominent.

From Fortaleza I took a bus north to Jericoacoara. Nice funky beach town with a Carribean vibe. It is noted for the large sand dune on its beach. Different friends and I rented dune buggies with guides to take us to different beaches and lagoons.

Children, don't wear socks while you sleep.

Well it's been awhile since I last posted. Still having a great time in Brazil, just haven't been finding fast internet until now. I am in Salvador do Bahia in the northern coast. Prior to here I was in Fortaleza. Not really much going on there, but here are a couple of pics of sunset.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I went for a stroll through Sao Paulo's Ibirapuera park. It's their Central Park. It was quite nice.

The first two photos are views from the rooftop of my hotel.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Well, I'm in Florianópolis, Brazil, on the island of Santa Catarina. Wow. Paradise. I've got a hotel just two blocks from the beach and can hear the waves from my little balcony. I've been getting up early to walk the beach before it gets too hot. Have really been enjoying it. I'm leaving tomorrow morning to go to another coastal town called Curitiba. Then I have to decide whether to continue north or to fly to Iguazú to see the waterfalls there. Tough decisions, I know.

Here are some photos of the beach. I met up with this little owl this morning.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

So after Montevideo I went to Punta del Este, the vacation spot of the rich and famous, known for it´s never ending beaches and perfect weather. Well, I arrived at 2pm on Thursday and within a half an hour it was pouring rain and lightening. I did make it out later that afternoon to the Rally Museum. Great stuff.

From Colonia I went to Montevideo. It was rainy and/or overcast for much of the time that I was there.

People in Uruguay, like Argentinians, and southern Brasilians, are total carnivores. Here is a pick from the Mercado del Puerto. Had one of the best steaks ever here.
Other pick is from inside a bar. Duh!

More photos from Colonia. In the sunset photo with the two "islands", the island on the left is the Buenos Aires skyline. You might have to double click it to enlarge it enough to see.

Hey all. I´m now in Brazil, and guess what? They have fast internet here! And windows XP! Most internet cafes in Buenos Aires had Windows 98. So, a lot has happened since I last posted. I left Buenos Aires and went to Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay, for a day. More info from Wikipedia here: Great weather, nice old town.