Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Here are some pics from the cementery in Recoleta. I just want a humble grave like one of these people when I die. Nothing too special.

The grave with all the people by it is Eva Peron´s.

Here I´m at the famous obelisk at in the Avenida 9 de Julio.

Here is some art that I saw on the wall of Burger King.

Well, it´s been awhile. I´m in Buenos Aires now, staying in the center of town. The weather has been great, and I´ve been going to musuems, parks, restaurants, and bars. Good times. Saw the movie Borat today. Chenqui! Here are some photos from the museum of Bellas Artes.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Okay, I´m in Salta, Argentina now. Went on a 12 hour excursion to Cafayate, a town about 195km from Salta. It´s arid wine country. We toured a vineyard and sampled some local wines. Also saw a lot of various rock formations, and yet another church (i dug it).