Sunday, January 28, 2007

For all those fans of Return of the Living Dead.

MMMMMMmmmm Brains!

Typical street in Mendoza.

Yo, Yo, Yo. Here are some photos from Mendoza. Just been chillin´ here. Thinking about leaving to Córdoba, Argentina tomorrow. Then on to Buenos Aires.

Here is an ideal Bar for those that like to mix booze and pharmaceuticals.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

I am now in Mendoza, Argentina. Went to a parrilla (steak house) today. Had a steak and salad. $10 american including tip. The steak was just as good as Manny´s. I plan on eating steak at least every other day.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sights from Valparaíso.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Here are some views from Santa Lucía Park in the center of Santiago, Chile.

Why would anyone ever want a statue of themselves built anywhere where birds are allowed?

Ever wonder what it looks like inside a typical cafe in Valparaíso, Chile.

Here it is:

I didn´t find the time to post these photos back when I was in Ecuador. One day, while I was in Guayaquil, I went to see presidential candidate Correa speak in the town square. I was told he would arrive at 6pm. I arrived at 5:55pm. I stayed for about 45 minutes and watched a salsa band play, and still no Correa, so I left. Correa won the election as I predicted.

I am now in Valparaíso, Chile, about an hour and a half West of Santiago. It´s an old colonial town built on 42 hills with lots of cool architecture and museums. Of course all of the museums are closed today cos it´s Monday. They clean them on Monday is what they say. Okay.

Here are some views from the cemetary.

The guy in the pic is Juan Molinas. He has been working in the cemetary for 4 months and his boss is a jerk. You´re not allowed to take photos in the cemetary, but Juan let me. He asked that I take his photo too, and was saddened that I couldn´t send him a copy cos he doesn´t have an email address.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

More works from Rally Museum.

Salvador Dalí sculptures at the Rally Museum. Best museum in South America. Free of charge, 16 rooms full of great works, and all cameras are allowed. The guard told me I was one of 8 people to tour the museum that day (Sunday). I had the entire museum to myself.

If you´re looking at these pictures at work, you are fired!

Went to the Museum of Contemporary Art located in Parque Quinta Normal. Good stuff. Here is me on TV taking a picture of me standing next to a person in a hospital bed who has presumably passed on.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I arrived in Santiago, Chile today around 6pm, found a hotel, and took the metro (subway) to the center to walk around. Here are some of the sights:

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Here´s a pic from inside the minibus collectivo. 30 cents to ride. I had to stand up the whole way as it was full when I got on. Good times. I got to watch a boy in the front pick his nose and eat his boogers. Very entertaining.

I finally found an internet place that has Windows XP, and I can now upload a few more pics. I´m in Vallenar, Chile, and am leaving for Santiago, Chile (the capital) tomorrow. Been pretty lazy actually. Here are some pics from Elqui Valley. Lots of grapes grown here for the making of Pisco, the national drink mixed with sour (Pisco Sour) . Hot and dry here.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Here´s what a fake 50 Boliviano bill looks like. Alan either got this from the bank or as change from a taxi driver. "Sin Valor Legal" means without legal value. You gotta check every bill you get down here.

Some views of Sucre from the hilltop. Gotta love them clouds.

Before we went to the Salt Flats, we visited the town of Sucre. It is definitely my favorite city in Bolivia. It´s only fault is too many phone/power lines above ground.

Where in the hell am I?

Flat tire in the desert. Good thing there´s a spare.

Forward view while driving on the Salt Flats. Mountains and islands (land formations in the middle of the salar) appear like mirages on the horizon.

We also visited some caves. One set was some volcanic/coral caves (I never really understood) and another was an indian burial ground.