Sunday, June 29, 2008

US Open Torrey Pines (Practice Round)

Went to the US Open practice round with my coworkers on a Tuesday. All expenses paid by my company. I'm not the biggest golf fan in the world, but it was nice to have a day off and go for a walk. Here are some pics of Phil Mickelson, and some other golfers that I don't recognize. Tiger was already off the course by the time we arrived.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Torrey Pines State Park

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Anza-Borrego State Park

Anza-Borrego Park

I took a 2hour drive east to Anza-Borrego Park. It's the largest state park in the lower 48 states. I walked to see the little oasis that everyone goes to see. On the way I chatted it up a little with this older gentleman that you see pictured below. Turns out he is originally from Minnesota, he is an attorney (named Lee Petillon), and he is coauthor of the book "Representing Start-up Companies", a Thomson West title. I don't know if I ever actually sold one of his books when I worked for Thomson West, but I do seem to recall trying to pitch it to someone once or twice.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

My hike

Some pics of a hike I took near my home.

The Trouble with Tribbles?

I'm reminded of my favorite Star Trek episode, The Trouble with Tribbles. I caught a photo of their invasion at sunset.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Welcome to California!

This photo is old.

Now gas is $3.69/gallon.

New Mexico

I moved to Carlsbad, California. Dad and I drove all of my junk down there from Madison, Wisconsin. It took us 3-and-a-half days. I didn't have much time to take photos. Here are a couple from Hwy 54.


Sunset at Carlsbad Beach

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Foggy ride back from Austin

The thickest daytime fog I'd ever seen accompanied me on my trip back through Iowa. But I still can't drive 55.


I made it to Austin. Here are some photos of the Capitol, just to prove it. As a bonus I have added a photo of a portrait of your favorite president and mine, GW Bush, former Governor of Texas. It is proudly hanging in the first floor of the Capitol.

Dallas, and a dead bug on my windshield!

My trip almost ended here, as traffic came to a stop, and some jerkoff almost rearended me going about 90 miles per hour. He switched to a different lane just in time, but made sure to flip me off as he passed by.

New Trip

I drove to Austin, Texas for a job interview, 1265 miles, 19 hours in two days. It was pretty rough going through Iowa as Highway 80 had been closed the night before due to heavy snow and an accident involving a few semis.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Devil's Lake Part Deux

Another perfect Saturday at Devil's Lake State Park, Wisconsin.